Deconstruct your life to create the life you want.

“If you don’t deal with the demons from the past, then they will surface to sabotage your future.”

~Sue Saller

The first 4 weeks:

Establishing Goals and Objectives

The first session focuses on you and what you want to accomplish in the next 12 weeks. We will work together to identify realistic goals and objectives to achieve results. We will also cover the coaching process and the tools and techniques that will be used throughout the program. 

"What's your story?"

We will take time to explore limiting beliefs and the stories that contribute to them. In-depth analysis to identify recurring themes or patterns in your life that need to be addressed. We will take a flashlight to the monster in the closet to see what is really hiding there.

Intense Introspection

We continue looking for those areas that need to be deconstructed and focus on habits and behaviors that need attention. Journaling will continue to be part of the process.

Exploring Personal Identity

Continuing to focus on undesirable behaviors , exploring what triggers them, and replacing them with a new persona. 

©2024 · Sue Saller · All Rights Reserved.

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301 Howard St. #600
San Francisco, CA 94105

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