HomeEpisode#2: “No good deed is so small to go undone” – Helping others helps yourself

#2: “No good deed is so small to go undone” – Helping others helps yourself

Welcome to the Small Steps Big Wins podcast where I’m dedicated to helping you take control of your life. I’m Sue Saller, and I’m excited to be your host on this journey. I’ll be bringing you inspiring stories, practical tips, and expert advice to help you overcome obstacles, set and achieve your goals, and live the life you’ve always wanted.

In today’s episode, we are going to look at the benefits of kindness not only to the receiver but the giver as well. I want to challenge your way of thinking  with a quote from a very good friend of mine. He was having a discussion with his wife about a small act of kindness that he did and she wondered why he even wasted his time to do that because it was probably insignificant to the receiver and didn’t seem like a big deal on the grand scheme of things. He responded to her with the following quote, “No good deed is so small to go undone.” 

I talk about ways we can reprogram our minds to see even the smallest acts of kindness, how giving can actually improves our lives, and ways to look for opportunities to give. I’ll list some practical examples and let your imagination do the rest. 

If you have enjoyed my podcast, please subscribe and check out my website at www.suesaller.com. Thank you for the gift of your time!!

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