HomeEpisodeBorrowing Belief | Wednesday Wisdom with Sue Saller | Small Steps Big Wins #50

Borrowing Belief | Wednesday Wisdom with Sue Saller | Small Steps Big Wins #50

Welcome to another episode of Wednesday Wisdom. I'm Sue Saller, and I appreciate your time as we dive into a meaningful topic. Today's episode is 'Borrowing Belief,' where we explore how beliefs shape our lives.

Beliefs surround us, impacting thoughts, speech, and interactions. These stem from childhood, external influences, and our own thoughts. Let's focus on how external beliefs affect our self-belief.

Before we dive in, let's differentiate between 'borrowing' and 'taking.' Borrowing involves temporary use with intent to return, while taking implies keeping something. 

Now, consider this example from my life.I used to rely on friends' encouragement but realized I was taking their beliefs, not internalizing them. This led to dependence. To change, I borrowed their beliefs, making them mine. This empowered me and allowed me to reciprocate.

To shift from taking to borrowing beliefs, alter your self-talk. Replace 'they believe I can' with 'I can.' The magic lies in 'I am.' Today, make a list of beliefs you've taken, transform them into 'I can' or 'I am' statements, and say them aloud. Borrow beliefs until they're yours, then empower others.

If you want to watch the video, please check it out on Spotify and YouTube!

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Make today awesome, friends!

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