HomeEpisodeE 41 | Jason Drees: Anyone Can Make the Impossible Possible

E 41 | Jason Drees: Anyone Can Make the Impossible Possible

What's up, Small Steps BIG Wins family? For those of you who are familiar with Jason Drees, you know he is an amazing individual with the ability to shift your mindset with a process called frameshifting and the power of words. However, you are in for a different kind of podcast interview today because not only does Jason talk about what he does, he gets into who he was (learn about the race car shirts!!) and how he got to where he is today. Enjoy this special episode of the Small Steps bigs wins podcast.

Prior to being a coach, Jason worked in the tech industry in a nice comfortable W-2 job, making a decent salary, but realized that his life had a greater calling as a personal coach.  He mastered the process of helping clients into alignment to push high-performers – like Brandon Turner – to their limits and past their comfort zones to catapult their success. He is the founder and now CEO of Jason Drees Coaching and author of Do The Impossible.  Find out how Jason does it and get ready to DO THE IMPOSSIBLE!!

You can find out more about Jason by visiting his website: https://www.jasondreescoaching.com/

If you want to watch the video, please check it out on Spotify and YouTube!

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Have a great day and God bless!

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