Solidify and Flourish to maintain the life you want.

“Know who your are and what you do when you’re at your best. Then recommit to being the version of yourself and doing those things you do when you’re on. Every. Single. Day.”

~Brian Johnson, from his book Arete

The last 4 weeks:

Self Awareness and Coping Skills

The last 4 weeks focuses on your continued development and holding the new persona that is emerging. 

Action in Motion

We will continue to set clear goals for personal and professional development. Finding areas in need of change and holding current progress will continued to be explored.

Developing Antifragile Confidence

Antifragile confidence is one step above becoming resilient. Together we will learn what this means for your life and the tools needed to have antifragile confidence.

Encouragement, Motivation, and Maintaining Progress

Together we will take time to celebrate the wins of the past 12 weeks and talk about what are the next small steps that will lead to BIG wins.

©2025 · Sue Saller · All Rights Reserved.

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301 Howard St. #600
San Francisco, CA 94105

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