HomeEpisode#4: Kyle Curtain: Step out of your Comfort Zone To Achieve Big Results (Part 1)

#4: Kyle Curtain: Step out of your Comfort Zone To Achieve Big Results (Part 1)

In this episode, I talk with Kyle Curtain, real estate agent and investor, podcaster, and entrepreneur. Listen as he explains his journey from bored to fascinated with real estate starting with just one google search and how it took him on a path that led him to buying is first investment property at 22. Join Kyle as he talks about the steps he took to get him to where he is today and learn how to stay cool under pressure. He also hosts a podcast called KCReating Wealth and still works a W-2.  His mission is to inspire others to take action and control of their lives! This is part 1 of a 2-part interview.

If you have enjoyed my podcast, please subscribe and check out my website at www.suesaller.com.

From today’s show, here are the links if you want to reach out to Kyle:

Kylecurtinrealestate on Instagram & Facebook

KCREatingwealth Facebook Group

KCREatingwealth on Instagram

Here are the books that Kyle recommended in Part 2:

The E-myth Revisted by Michael Gerber

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

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