HomeEpisode#6: The Comparison Trap: How to take your eyes off others and see yourself

#6: The Comparison Trap: How to take your eyes off others and see yourself

Welcome back to the Small Steps BIG WINS podcast. I’m Sue Saller and I’m glad you are joining me today. I want to talk about something that is very common but we don’t give it much thought, and that is the comparison trap. I want to challenge your way of thinking when you start comparing yourself to others.

When you find yourself comparing yourself to others, there are a few things that you can do:

  1. Learn to recognize when you are starting to compare yourself to others. Just the fact of acknowledging this will help you to stop the comparison before it grows bigger and gets worse. And at that moment, think of something that you have that you are thankful for. We can all be thankful for something and thankfulness is the antidote for discontent.
  2. Write down 3 wins that you have each day, and only 3! When you recount your wins for the day and write them down you are training your brain to focus on the gains in your life instead of the gaps.
  3. Write down 3 wins for tomorrow and only 3!!! If you write down more than 3, you are most likely not going to do any. Give yourself purpose for your day and then take satisfaction in your accomplishments.
  4. Compare who you are today with who you were in the past. This helps you to see how far you have come. Always measure backward.
  5. Bonus: Write down 3 things to be thankful for. Thankfulness is the antidote for discontent.

If you have enjoyed my podcast, please subscribe, and visit my website at www.suesaller.com. I would love to hear from you! You can find links to all the books mentioned on my podcasts at my bookstore. Have a great day and God bless!

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