HomeEpisode#8: Time is not the most important thing, it is your ATTENTION!

#8: Time is not the most important thing, it is your ATTENTION!

Welcome to another episode of the Small Steps BIG WINS podcast, and I’m so glad you are joining me today. I’m dedicated to helping you take control of your life. I’ll be bringing you inspiring stories, practical tips, and expert advice to help you overcome obstacles, set and achieve your goals, and live the life you’ve always wanted. Together, we’ll discover that making small changes is not only possible, but can lead to big results.

I want to talk to you about something that has been somewhat popularized lately and it’s the following comment:  “Time is not the most important thing you have, it’s your attention.” I unpack what are the attention takers from your day and how to recapture attention givers. As always, there are practical tips to help guide your time and attention.

If you have enjoyed my podcast, please hit subscribe, and visit my website at www.suesaller.com. I would love to hear from you. You can find links to all the books mentioned on my podcasts at my bookstore. Have a great day and God bless!

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