HomeEpisodeE 11: Shawn Stratton: Protein is not a problem- Being Vegan is Easier than you think

E 11: Shawn Stratton: Protein is not a problem- Being Vegan is Easier than you think

Welcome to another episode of the Small Steps Big Wins podcast. My special guest today is Shawn Stratton.  Shawn  is the Director of the International Vegan Film Festival, professional speaker, bestselling author, and Ironman competitor. He and I dive into the practicals of being vegan and the how’s and why’s of veganism. Get ready for a down-to-earth, non-judgemental conversation about being a vegan and its benefits. Shawn takes us into his personal journey and even how to get started becoming vegan right where you are. Even if you are not vegan, you can engage someone who is after listening to our show and come to appreciate the vegan perspective.

You can reach out to Shawn at:

The festival website is www.theivff.com

And you can email Shawn at: [email protected]

If you have enjoyed my podcast, please hit subscribe, and visit my website at www.suesaller.com. I would love to hear from you. And if you think you have a Small Steps, BIG Win story to tell, you can also reach out to me on my website. You can find links to all the books mentioned on my podcasts here at my bookstore. Have a great day and God bless!

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