HomeEpisodeE 67 | Giovanna Elias: Use the Connection Code to Change Your Relationships, Change Your Life

E 67 | Giovanna Elias: Use the Connection Code to Change Your Relationships, Change Your Life

Welcome to another episode of the Small Steps, BIG Wins podcast! My very special guest today is Giovanna Elias!!

Who is this womyn?

Her clients claim that her work is a cross between Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, Brene Brown’s  “The Power of Vulnerability,” Marshall Rosenberg’s “Non Violent Communication” and Dr. Joe Dispenza’s integration of both science and spirituality.

Giovanna has spent the last 10+ years travelling the world, observing human behaviour and asking what truly makes us happy, healthy and fulfilled.

She believes that the secret sauce to having a quality life is having quality relationships. Period.

She is a people-lover, travel-goer, neuroscience-enthusiast, philosopher at heart- and ultimately calls herself: A HUMAN CONNECTION EXPERT. Pulling from her background in Communications, Human Rights, NLP and Holistic Medicine, she is beyond passionate about creating a world where people can communicate effectively, lead consciously, resolve conflict gracefully, and ultimately connect deeply and meaningfully in all relationships.

She empowers people to build meaningful personal and professional relationships through conscious communication. She does this through her life-changing 9-key system called “The Connection Code.” Connect with her today, and learn more about what she does!

"The quality of Your life is based upon the quality of your relationships"

– Giovanna Elias











Is there anything else that you would like to share?

If people would like to book a free connection call with me, they can do so here: https://calendly.com/-connectioncall/30min

If you want to watch the video, please check it out on:

Spotify: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/susan-k-saller 

Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVFyTGHLJdKY5-HTxtVhA6Q!

If you have enjoyed my podcast, visit my website at https://www.suesaller.com/. I would love to hear from you! And if you think you have a Small Steps, BIG WINS story to tell, you can also reach out to me on my website. 

If you would like to support my podcast, please click here: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/susan-k-saller/support.

And remember, life doesn’t get better by chance, it gets better by choice. Have an awesome day, friends!

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